Friday, 21 February 2014
MuhMur SoundArt Radio Broadcast : 20/02/2014.
Back on air after a month, and back with some exclusive tracks by Kay Hill the new project from SKCE & W>A>S>P>S main man Benjamin Hallatt. The new year sees MuhMur Radio Programme now having a Facebook page for those who are interested and want to get in touch.
Next programme is on March 6.
01: Plurals : "Kamu" (Oaken Palace Records) 2014.
(From the LP "Bugunés Melissae).
02: Kay Hill : "Summer Delta" (Not On Label) 2014.
03: Kay Hill : "Lake Cold" (Not On Label) 2014.
(Both tracks exclusive for MuhMur Radio Programme).
04: SKCE/// : "Ornaments #7" (Kiks/Girlfriend) 2004.
05: Kay Hill : "Magnetic Tape Wall" (Not On Label) 2014.
(Exclusive for MuhMur Radio Programme).
06: Kay Hill : "Marshall #1" (Anti) 2014.
(From the Cdr album "Cold Title").
07: Kay Hill : "Concentric Bass Wall" (Not On Label) 2014.
(Exclusive For MuhMur Radio Programme).
08: W>A>S>P>S : "SIOAO105" (Smell The Stench) 2013.
(From the Cdr album "Obsession Tapes).
09: Kay Hill : "Rock n' Peak" (Not On Label) 2014.
(Exclusive for MuhMur Radio Programme).
10: Neil Campbell : "Rabbitfoot Oof" (First Person) 2004.
(From the split 3" Cdr with Fickle).
11: Cathartec : "Varroa Destruktor" (Sonic Munitions) 2011.
(From the 3"Cdr "Apis").
12: Home Service : "Wake-Up!" (Crystal Groove Records) 1979.
13: John Murphy & Ben Taylor : "Untitled #4" (Cipher Productions) 2014.
(From the eponymous CD album).
14: Hydra & Death Squad : "Neurology 2" (Segerhuva) 2003.
(From the split 10" EP with Barrikad).
01: In the DJ Chair.
02: Dave at the controls.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Have spent a pleasant while listening to the latest compilation cassette release from the fine Swedish label Styggelse : "Slutstationen" (Translates as "The Endstation" in English). "Slutstationen" is the final piece in a trilogy of compilations that began with "Piller Thriller" and followed by "Pundartugg-Argot Bruit".
Over the past couple of years the Swedes have been on the ball with their fine compilation releases, I am thinking of the "Tapeworks" series on Hästen & Korset as well as the "Venice Of The North" and "Nördostra Malmö" tapes … Also the "Stein" compilation on Verlautbarung Records and the "Sverige" vinyl album on the now defunct Release The Bats Records. A few names that appear on the aforementioned releases also appear on "Slutstationen".
The compilation starts with Vit Fana. Cold open synth a la John Carpenter - desolate landscape screen shot as opening credits roll. Explosions … and … cue action. Puce Mary. This album is my first exposure to Puce Mary, a name (to me) being banded about rather like Cremation Lily and Lust For Youth were a few months back and Lettera 22 before them, and I now know why - impressive sounds. A throbbing pulse with pummelled metal reliving "Leichenschrei", indecipherable distorted vocals build and scream. Brighter Death Now enter with "Enough". An excellent bass line and a classic slice of (unsurprisingly) old school Industrial Noise. I am not a fan of the description old school but I can't think of a better one to describe Brighter Death Now. Alfarmania follow. Alfarmania is now the solo project of Styggelse label boss Kristian Olsson with Tony Hallén leaving - maybe to concentrate on Erektus 2K? Alfarmania bring a live multi-layered wall of noise and chaos. A sonic vortex that sucks you in and spits you out in to Shift. Shift is the UK based project of Swedish exile Martin Wilford. "Wipe Them Out" is a brutal all out assault on the senses. A table of effect boxes, a noise source and the voice as an instrument. Classic Harsh Noise Wall. The sound drops in to Händer Som Värder. Veterans of the Swedish compilation with appearances on "Tapeworks" and "Venice Of the North". They present "Jag Blev Stout" which sounds like something Paul Watson would drink on a Saturday night but is a masterful piece of tape splicing / radio manipulations and contact mic'ery. Theta follow with "Scopaesthesia". A track that doesn't thrill or interest me. Arv & Miljö close side one with "Johnny". The sound of a mechanical wheel turning, a big sound. Looping sounds, abstract sounds pieces introduced to the pattern before disappearing and reappearing moments later. Arv & Miljö are big favourites here, an excellent track.
"Slutstationen" is a C90. Sometimes too long for a compilation, but listening to side one time just flew by. The sounds transfixed me.
Side two opens with Ochu. Ochu is former Segerhuvaite Love Rosenström. "Sopa" has a threatening low level vibration that builds in to a chaotic hum and battle scene. Like Vit Fana and their opening piece on side one, this piece is very visual. New name to me Negative Climax bring a hint of Club Moral to the proceedings. Repetitive vocals and lots of reverb. There is an attractive recorder / gourd sound in the mix giving the track an "Eastern" feel. Treriksröset are pure noise, noise from the Japanese school of noise electronics. "Tillägnad Gubb" is surprisingly slow, but far too long for my ears. Maniac Cop follow on similar lines with lo-fi looping and circuit bending. I know little about Maniac Cop…they may be from Gothenburg. Teufelsdöckh follow with a similar sound to Ochu with a low frequency pulse predicting an oncoming threat … the sounds of a disturbed lair. An excellent track but then they were one of the highlights on "Nördostra Malmö". Värtgärd are Harsh Noise Wall. Arkhe deliver "Vrakloge" (Wrecked Lodge), a track that was part of last years MuhMur Radio session. A Rotorik Sound (I just made that up), the sound of fast cutting blades and tempered frequency - it all creates for an audio-visual carnage. Beautiful. The tape finishes with the dubiously named A Feast For Vultures. "The Prodigal Returns" has the sound of early Broken Flag releases with lots of crackle and distortion - there are voices in the swirl too, but unfortunately the tape ends and cuts the piece off in its' prime.
An excellent compilation, I still want to hear more Vit Fana and sample some Puce Mary, and there are some priceless classics in there too - Arv & Miljö, Ochu and Arkhe springing to mind. I think the cassette is limited to 250 and probably close to selling out but try Styggelse ( Its worth it.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Peter Fengler & De Player / Killerlady
Whilst searching through some old files I found these pictures from an exhibition by Peter Fengler & Killerlady. Last October I played The Elefant in Bremen, and helped out with things .. the P.A. came courtesy of Spedition, a small gallery / space in Gūterbahnhof. Whilst collecting the speakers, stands etc I browsed the exhibition - not ever having heard of either artists (OK - I claim my ignorance) I was quite simply bowled over by the presentation & art. Peter with his one-off lathe cut vinyl and Killerlady, with his (their) loop works and droning keyboard. Fascinating stuff - I unfortunately missed the Fengler performance by a couple of days … It took place at the top of a small set of stairs and was (allegedly) quite amazing. These pictures (only 6 I am afraid) bring that visit back - I also bought a limited flexi disc - I've played it on the radio …
1-3: Peter Fengler & De Player.
4-6: Killerlady "1 Im Bild".
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Grand Mal X
Grand Mal X. Who are they? And, how does Thomas Ekelund of Belaten find these projects? Release after release, tape after tape of high quality electronica…that is apart from the last Belaten cassette I mentioned - the pointless Nordwall/Vainio "Monstrance" reissue that was even more limited than the original, that one threw a spanner in the works of an impeccable roster of releases.
Grand Mal X. Please don't let it be the project of some ex-member from X Mal Deutschland. That would prejudice my ears somewhat. In 1984 I travelled on a coach from Manchester to London to see 400 Blows support X Mal Deutschland at The Lyceum, only to be told (after entrance) that they had been replaced by The Guana Batz. I was told by Robert (guitarist with The Blowers) that the reason they had been pulled was that they turned up for soundcheck with no drum kit or bass player and X Mal Deutschland took exception to this. I watched The Guana Batz and the following act, Flesh For Lulu, from the balcony and then got ejected by the bouncers for "skinning up".
Anyway…Grand Mal X. Research. They have a Facebook page which tells me little but for some reason I think they are East European exiles living in New York. That's one of the joys about the Belaten series. Thomas releases stuff by folk I have never heard of and it is always quality "different" electronica and to some extent quite commercial. Club music, night music, electro-pop, cold wave, E.B.M. All genres that exist but mean nowt (to me).
To digress somewhat, the other night, I was watching some shit on the TV hosted by Danny "Pets Win Prizes" Baker about music in the 1980's and he claimed that after punk in the 1970's came "post punk" but that is not how I remembered it. The "independent / DIY cultured music wasn't called "post punk", that terminology came much later. I remember it as "New Wave" which was an umbrella for all things "indie" - Power Pop, 2Tone, Industrial, Electro, Oi, Gloomy Shoegazers etc. But then again, I suppose I don't like Danny "Daz Doorstep Challenge" Baker that much, a man desperately trying to re-write music history to fit his own agenda. I once heard that mobile phones were invented for people who had very little to say but didn't know how to shut the fuck up….I bet Danny has a few mobiles…
Anyway….Grand Mal X. "Life EP" brings us six tracks on a C36. Every track a beauty. It is all reminiscent of other sounds without sounding "carbon copy". "Units" has a Clock DVA vibe - DVA circa "Buried Dreams" and the following piece "Tricks Of the Trade" with an infectious Latin beat is lyrically and musically in Wir territory. "Four Chambers" also has a Duet Emmo / Cupol feel. "Late Night Call" closes side A and "The Crossing"opens side B, both have exquisite sequencer patterns that just exude neon. Driving motorik. The last piece "Sudden Portal" brought the Pet Shop Boys to mind (or Flight Of The Conchords being PSB)! At the turn of the 1990's I knew a DJ in Tokyo who used to send me Pet Shop Boys CD's and rarities …
Grand Mal X. I certainly want to hear more … it is like that with virtually all of Belatens' releases … The tape has sold out from the label but get in touch with them via Facebook …
Monday, 10 February 2014
Sleaford Mods:Exeter Spacex Gallery. 09/02/2014.
Finally the Sleaford Mods make it down to Exeter, an event that has been threatening for a year or so now.
Exeter now has a new venue (of sorts), The "Infinity Social Club" is an occasional night happening inside the Spacex Gallery. (An art space mentioned many times in this blog). It is a members only club (you can join on the evening), has a "drinks for donations" policy and a capacity of around 60. This was the opening night and a packed venue witnessed Sleaford Mods give a blistering whirlwind performance. High tempo, high tension. All the (my) favourites plus some sneak previews of the soon to be released album on Harbinger Sound. A great evening ..
The show was recorded by SoundArt Radio for a Sleaford Mods MuhMur Radio special to be broadcast soon.
Hopefully the "Infinity Social Club" will grow into having something "different" in the live performance area for Exeter / Devon. I have a feeling the next time Sleaford Mods play in Exeter it will be at the Phoenix.
1: Every art gallery has a step ladder.
2: DJ Sketch.
3 & 4: Sleaford Mods.
5: Camron (Sound guy) & Chris (SoundArt guy).
6: Steve Underwood & Alice Kemp.
7: Mr. Jolly Fucker.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Feral Debris Tape! Cheapmachines / Dieter Müh
Cheapmachines/Dieter Müh split C50 tape out now.
The long delayed Cheapmachines and Dieter Müh split tape is now upon us. The Cheapmachines side is a writhing wall of precise noise, intricate and pummeling in equal measures. With recent releases on discerning labels such as En'tracte and The Tapeworm Phil Julian has created a pretty impressive body of work of late and this slab only adds to it.
The Dieter Müh side is a (good quality) live recording of his set from the now infamous Rammel Weekender in 2012. Try and imagine Luc Ferrari's 'Presque Rien' relocated to the puke drenched streets of a Nottingham Saturday night with all the jollity, paranoia and threats of imminent violence that that entails.
Cover photograph by Steve Cammack. Pro-duped blue cassettes with insert. Limited to 80 copies.
Friday, 7 February 2014
A Good Night Out #2 (Alex Horne)
Last night I went to see Alex Horne perform as part of the Exeter Comedy Festival (horrifically called "LOL"). Very funny - for about 90 minutes the man told us all a stream of lies. One thing I learnt was never be front row at an Alex Horne gig as I became part of the show! Still, I got a couple of laughs! Alex is touring the UK through to mid March - recommended.
1: Poster.
2: Ticket.
3: Trin!
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Have just spent a pleasant while listening to the latest release from Swedish noise makers Barrikad.
I first came across Barrikad about ten years ago through the excellent compilation "Krimkall" a double cassette release from Krimljud and then a year or so later they were part of the Segerhuva crowd and appeared on the "Sweetness Will Overcome" compilation CD. The Barrikad sound back then was a tsunami of noise, full on distortion with non-empathetic warbling. Very little to separate Barrikad from the masses of Scando-noise projects that existed at the start of this century apart from some nice and neat tape splicing and sample edits …
Ten years after and Barrikad - the sound of Barrikad - is more focused and refined. Personal and directed.
"Through The Voice One Becomes Animal" is a C15 cassette released by Nil By Mouth Recordings. ("Is It Not First Through The Voice One Becomes Animal?" is a question asked by Gilles Deleuze in "Thousand Plateaus:Capitalism And Schizophrenia"). Two single pieces on each side … beginning with "Freedom Is Only Possible In The Struggle For Liberation", which I believe to be a statement by Ulrike Meinhoff. The piece features spoken soundbites and sloganeering by members of the RAF as well as news reportage. The sound is crunching analog synthesizer with a ticking clock offset against a mechanical pulsebeat. Very Deutsche PE and old school industrial. A well constructed piece with hammer against metal a sound I last heard on a news report from the frontline of demonstration in Kiev, the Ukrainian street beat - the sound of the barricade.
Side two is very similar in sound and construct. "Utanför Det Samhälle Jag Tvingas Vara En Del Av" (or "I am forced to exist outside this community" … apologies if I am way out, my Swedish is a little rostig these days) has the same mechanical ticking, the factory rhythm but this piece builds to the sound of anarchic beatings, all with a narrative in an unrecognisable foreign tongue.
The cassette is packaged in a 7" pouch with 24 page booklet printed in both Swedish and English, there is some sort of Barrikad history / manifesto alongside writings by Barrikad. Sleeve notes that would make Adi Newton jealous! I would go as far to say that this release is perfect.
"Through The Voice One Becomes Animal" has been released before but in ultra ultra limited editions on 10" lathe cut disc and on cassette by Exlibris Nordén.
I am now discovering Barrikad and their "We Make Nihilists Smile" CD that Phage Tapes released in 2011.
Nil By Mouth Recordings are a new label to me, the name cropped up on Chondritic forum board and also SI board but I was slightly put off by the releasing stuff by folk with names such as The Vomit Arsonist & Chloroform Rapist .. I am slightly snobbish when it comes to names but with so much "stuff" being released I have to pick carefully .. now after listening to Barrikad I discover they have released great names like Altar Of Flies, N. and Fear Konstruktor in the past and have just put out cassettes by Arkhe and Uncodified. I have sent off E Mails to Nil By Mouth Recordings but have yet to get a response. If anyone from NBM is reading this please get in contact.
This cassette is essential : or get in contact and buy from Barrikad via Discogs.
I first came across Barrikad about ten years ago through the excellent compilation "Krimkall" a double cassette release from Krimljud and then a year or so later they were part of the Segerhuva crowd and appeared on the "Sweetness Will Overcome" compilation CD. The Barrikad sound back then was a tsunami of noise, full on distortion with non-empathetic warbling. Very little to separate Barrikad from the masses of Scando-noise projects that existed at the start of this century apart from some nice and neat tape splicing and sample edits …
Ten years after and Barrikad - the sound of Barrikad - is more focused and refined. Personal and directed.
"Through The Voice One Becomes Animal" is a C15 cassette released by Nil By Mouth Recordings. ("Is It Not First Through The Voice One Becomes Animal?" is a question asked by Gilles Deleuze in "Thousand Plateaus:Capitalism And Schizophrenia"). Two single pieces on each side … beginning with "Freedom Is Only Possible In The Struggle For Liberation", which I believe to be a statement by Ulrike Meinhoff. The piece features spoken soundbites and sloganeering by members of the RAF as well as news reportage. The sound is crunching analog synthesizer with a ticking clock offset against a mechanical pulsebeat. Very Deutsche PE and old school industrial. A well constructed piece with hammer against metal a sound I last heard on a news report from the frontline of demonstration in Kiev, the Ukrainian street beat - the sound of the barricade.
Side two is very similar in sound and construct. "Utanför Det Samhälle Jag Tvingas Vara En Del Av" (or "I am forced to exist outside this community" … apologies if I am way out, my Swedish is a little rostig these days) has the same mechanical ticking, the factory rhythm but this piece builds to the sound of anarchic beatings, all with a narrative in an unrecognisable foreign tongue.
The cassette is packaged in a 7" pouch with 24 page booklet printed in both Swedish and English, there is some sort of Barrikad history / manifesto alongside writings by Barrikad. Sleeve notes that would make Adi Newton jealous! I would go as far to say that this release is perfect.
"Through The Voice One Becomes Animal" has been released before but in ultra ultra limited editions on 10" lathe cut disc and on cassette by Exlibris Nordén.
I am now discovering Barrikad and their "We Make Nihilists Smile" CD that Phage Tapes released in 2011.
Nil By Mouth Recordings are a new label to me, the name cropped up on Chondritic forum board and also SI board but I was slightly put off by the releasing stuff by folk with names such as The Vomit Arsonist & Chloroform Rapist .. I am slightly snobbish when it comes to names but with so much "stuff" being released I have to pick carefully .. now after listening to Barrikad I discover they have released great names like Altar Of Flies, N. and Fear Konstruktor in the past and have just put out cassettes by Arkhe and Uncodified. I have sent off E Mails to Nil By Mouth Recordings but have yet to get a response. If anyone from NBM is reading this please get in contact.
This cassette is essential : or get in contact and buy from Barrikad via Discogs.
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